You can be part of the Character Change Journey of the affected individuals. Courage, Integrity, Honesty and loyalty are great virtues achieved through the Character Change process. AHI-Uganda with MC(P)+BC=CC as a guiding tool, has impacted children and youths in and out of school. By helping then build a good character.

Programs under Character Change

Mindset Change

This program helps prisoners prepare for life after prison, believe in themselves, master their own physical, emotional and spiritual state, and obtain success through positive thoughts

ACC Clubs in Uganda

AHI-Uganda leaves these clubs in schools for continuity of the Character Change process in Schools at the end of every ABC+E=V3 session.

Behavior Change Campaigns

AHI-Uganda Campaigns for behavior Change in Schools, Religious institutions, and Local Communities. Behavior Change is about altering negative habits and behaviors for a long term.

ABC+E=V3 Campaigns

This is our main approach to spreading Character Change, this includes 9 independent sessions which include fun edutainment, interactive and one on one counselling, learning and sharing experiences.

ACC Clubs in Uganda

This program targets street children, x prisoners, x prostitutes, and refugees. We collaborate with those directly working with these cases.

Our Contacts

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